Zero To Hero: Key Technical Elements – Mastering the Fundamentals of Squash

10th July 2024

Improving your squash game starts with mastering the fundamentals. Here, we’ll cover some crucial technical elements to help you build a strong foundation, focusing on key non-negotiables like grip and basic stroke techniques.


technical grip1. The Grip: Your Foundation

The first and most critical aspect to master is your grip. A correct grip ensures you have control over the racket head and face, which is essential for accurate and powerful shots. Here’s how to get it right:

  • Form a V: Place your thumb and forefinger in a V shape, resting on the open side of the racket.
  • Finger Positioning: The grip should sit more in your fingers than in the palm, allowing better manoeuvrability.
  • Grip Pressure: Hold the racket as if you’re holding a small bird—firm enough so it won’t fly away, but not so tight that you crush it.

A correct grip is tricky to master but crucial for your development. It allows for greater precision and versatility in your shots.

Common Mistake: Holding the racket too tightly, which can reduce flexibility and control.


technical 2. Forehand Technique: Skimming the Stone

Once your grip is sorted, the next step is to focus on the forehand technique. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Wrist Position: Keep your wrist slightly cocked, with the racket head above the wrist at roughly a 45-degree angle.
  • Early Racket Prep: Get your racket up early as soon as you anticipate the ball’s direction. This gives you more time to address the shot.
  • Skimming the Stone Analogy: Imagine skimming a stone across water. Your arm and racket should move in a fluid motion, with your elbow dropping in slightly as you release the shot.

This technique ensures a smooth, controlled swing, helping you maintain accuracy and consistency.

Common Mistake: Not getting the racket up early enough, leading to rushed and inaccurate shots.


technical 3. Backhand Technique: The Diamond Shape

The backhand shot can be challenging, but mastering it will significantly enhance your game. Focus on these points:

  • Early Racket Prep: As with the forehand, get your racket up early.
  • Diamond Shape: Form a diamond shape with your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and racket head. Pull your elbow in line with your belly button to create this shape.
  • Rotation and Follow-Through: Ensure a good rotation at the beginning fo the swing, your chest should turn towards the back wall before you start your swing. As you make contact with the ball ensure you have enough space so that your wrist, shoulder, elbow, and shoulder are all in line. Your chest should be facing the sidewall at this point. Follow through to your target but maintain control over your upper body ensuring you do not over-rotate. Your non-striking hand can act as a counterweight. 

The diamond shape technique helps in maintaining the correct body alignment and shot execution.

Common Mistake: Not rotating enough, resulting in over-rotation at the end of the swing. .


4. The Importance of Follow-Through

A proper follow-through is vital for directing the ball where you want it to go.

Whether it’s a forehand or backhand, your follow-through should be controlled and aligned with your intended shot direction.


technical 5. Connecting Your Body to the Shot

Efficient shot execution involves your entire body, not just your arm. Pay attention to your lower body mechanics:

  • Use Your Knees and Hips: Your legs should act as shock absorbers, helping you maintain balance and rhythm.
  • Lunge Correctly: Practice lunging into your shots, using your knees to absorb impact and provide stability.

Connecting your legs and hips to your shots ensures better balance and power, leading to more effective play.


Practical Tips for Improvement

These fundamental techniques are just the beginning. To fully integrate them into your game:

  • Practice Regularly: Focus on one or two elements at a time until they become second nature.
  • Watch and Learn: Review video demonstrations to see these techniques in action.
  • Make Notes: Keep track of your progress and note areas that need more focus.

Building a strong technical foundation takes time and patience, but the effort will pay off in improved performance and greater confidence on the court. By mastering these basics, you set yourself up for continued growth and success in squash. Stay motivated and enjoy the process. Happy practising!

For more, check out the "Zero to Hero: Technique" playlist!

In this in-depth 44-minute playlist, we take you through the basic techniques of squash to help bring your game to the next level.

Watch Now